With years of experience Dr Mc Manus provides expert GP care to all patients and also has a special interest in Dermatology and Minor Surgery. Dunkineely Health Centre is part of Community Surgery Ireland https://www.communitysurgeryireland.com/.
Currently operating out of both Dunkineely and Glenties Health Centres Dr. Mc Manus provides the following skin surgical services:
Infected collections of pus are treated acutely by incision and drainage, often with a course of dressings at the clinic as well as prescribed antibiotic.
We often treat a variety of skin changes related to ageing, such as SEBORRHOEIC WARTS or ACTINIC KERATOSIS. These can often be left untreated but sometimes patient swish to have them removed or frozen or chemically if they are unsightly or uncomfortable.
Long recognised as a valuable treatment for a variety of non cancerous and some cancerous skin problems, this method of treatment is undertaken using special equipment at the clinic. We use the most effective freezing agent, liquid nitrogen.
There are many varieties of cyst in human skin. Commonly encountered types include PILAR CYSTS of the scalp, SEBACEOUS CYSTS of the limbs and trunk and MEIBOMIAN or other EYELID CYSTS. These are sometimes prone to becoming infected and it is generally wise to remove them to prevent this.
Some cysts sucha BARTHLIN'S CYST of the vagina or the PILONIDAL CYST of the bottom can only be cured by referral to a specialist surgeon, though infective episodes can be treated at the clinic.
At the clinic we use the dermatosope to help us diagnose skin conditions, especially possible skin cancers. This reduces the number of cases that require a biopsy and can make us more certain of the diagnosis before a planned surgical excision.
Surgical treatment is generally avoided but painful thrombosed haemorrhoids can be relived effectively by incision and evacuation. Prescription medication can help to prevent recurrence.
Ingrown and malformed nails are a pain and can give rise to infection. Common in teenagers but also in adults , often in conjunction with fungal nail infection. We treat these with antibiotics, with simple removal or removal and additionally removal of the nail growth pad for recurrent or severe cases
The lipoma is an aberrant collection of fat containing cells that can present an unsightly or painful limb, often on the trunk or a limb and sometimes on the head. Some people have recurrent or multiple lipomas but we only need to remove those that are bothersome. They do not develop into cancer, though people can worry about this
Everyone has moles.These are collections of coloured skin cells that you are either born with (CONGENITAL MOLE) or you develop, usually in childhood and adolescence (ACQUIRED MOLE)
They may change over time and this is not always a bad sign but a lot of our work is in checking out changing moles. Moles which are thought to be cancerous are now most often treated at special hospital clinics. Benign moles (non cancerous moles) can be removed to reassure you or to to provide cosmetic relief at the clinic.
There are several types of skin cancer and pre-cancerous changes in human skin. This is especially common in white skinned people who have little natural resistance to the effect of sunlight radiation.
We provide a variety of services for the early detection, accurate diagnosis and thorough treatment of these diseases at the surgery.
Sometimes we can reassure without needing to operate. At other times, we may need to sample (BIOPSY) the skin, by taking a small piece of skin under anaesthetic for analysis at the laboratory.
If this reveals a cancer, very often this can be treated with controlled freezing (CRYOSURGERY) or by chemical cream treatment or by a surgical procedure (EXCISION.)
Some people are prone to these uncomfortable
growths, which often affect the armpits, neck and groin. These are easily treated with heat treatment (ELECTROCAUTERY)
Warts are a common problem affecting children and adults. We use a range of techniques to treat warts,sometimes requiring a combination of methods and repeated treatments. Anaesthetic is used where appropriate.